Actor, director, and local Marylebone resident, Freddy Carter, has become a familiar face on Chiltern Street. He marked his onscreen debut as a soldier in the 2017 DC Comics film, Wonder Woman, before securing a prominent role in the Netflix series Free Rein. Recently, he captivated audiences in the Netflix fantasy series Shadow and Bone and the Paramount+ adaptation of Elizabeth Macneal's The Doll Factory. As part of our Friends of Trunk series, we invited him to take our new Trunk Devonshire Harris Tweed Raglan Overcoat for a spin around the neighbourhood. Freddy effortlessly paired it with the Trunk Berwick Brushed Shetland Sweater in a festive malachite green and our Trunk Wigmore Wool Flannel Trousers in navy.
Photography by Kassia Karr